How to Get the Most Out of Your Magento 2 Upgrade?

Are you planning to upgrade your store to Magento 2 latest version, but aren’t sure how to process further with a simple and less complex plan, then this blog is for you. You landed in the right place, and today we are going to guide you step by step from planning to its execution.

Running on the older version would make your store vulnerable to hackers, degradation in user experience and, most importantly, technical glitches that become a huge cause of decreasing sales and conversion. The latest version is 2.4.6, which was released in February and comprises over 300 quality fixes and enhancements.

Upgrading to the latest version of Magento comes with thousands of benefits, but it must be done with a proper approach to eliminate the adverse consequences. Upgrade to Magento 2 keeps your store up-to-date with high-security enhancements, first-class features, more advanced functionalities, and great scope of optimization, thus helping in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the backend and frontend process, which delivers amazing customer experience.

Most retail merchants avoid upgrading to Magento 2 due to fear of data loss as it involves technical complexities. Although such situations can be avoided by approaching Magento 2 upgrade services providers.

How To Upgrade To The Latest Version Of Magento 2?

Backup Magento

Today we are living in a technological generation; however, it has its own downfalls, so it is crucial to make regular backups of your store in case it is lost; you would be able to retrieve it quickly with less sophistication. Ensure that you have already created a backup plan, so you don’t run your cursor here and there for collecting data, and everything must be in its place, which keeps your business running smoothly, and constant sales generation.

Turn on maintenance mode.

Before upgrading to Magento 2, it is essential to switch on maintenance mode, which keeps your data safe and doesn’t go lost when the upgrade process goes on. You can say this is a state when your Magento store is off-bootstrapping. Plus, when any visitor lands on your site or directly searches it, the website shows a message Service Temporarily Unavailable.

To on it, go to configuration, | Server Maintenance and choose the Enable Maintenance Mode button, then click it; after this, your maintenance mode will be enabled, plus Magento starts backing up all the data and information which seems relevant to it. Once the backing-up process is done, you can disable it by following the same route.

Or you can turn on the maintenance mode by running the following command:

php bin/magento maintenance:enable

Run Magento 2 Upgrade Commands

Now comes upgrading to the latest version; for this, ensure which version you are currently deployed to and which one you are going to install. To check this, go to the admin panel, and navigate to System > Configuration > General. Now to upgrade to Magento 2, you have to run the following command:

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.4.5 –no-update

composer update –ignore-platform-reqs

When the upgrade is completed, the admin or your Magento upgrade service provider has to run the following commands below: run the upgrade module, compile and reindex, and clear the cache to enhance the store performance.

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
  • php bin/magento cache:flush
  • php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • php bin/magento indexer:reindex

Look Over For Current Magento Version

After finishing the above-stated processes to ensure that Magento 2.4.6 version is updated, you can verify by running the following command:

php bin/magento –version

Now Test Your Site

To check that everything is perfect, such as all features and functionalities, including custom code, extensions, and other modules functioning, plus no error or issue occurs while navigating the back and front end. Check the product & category pages, customer data, order & inventory information, and the checkout process is as it should be and work fine.

After rigorous testing and finding any technical glitches or issues, address them to prevent any downtime from preventing data loss or unexpected downtime for optimal site performance.

Wrapping Up

Depending on the older version of Magento is not good for scaling up your business and generating more revenue; furthermore, not upgrading to the latest version is like risking your website and its data.

To date, Magento has released 30+ updates which involve removing loopholes & bug fixes of the previous version, modifying page format that makes the category, section, and inbound pages faster, simplifying generated codes, offering new ways of promoting your business and bestowing with better technical infrastructure for the customer account, frameworks, sales, tax, and video with Vimeo oEmbed API.

Not updating is like losing an opportunity to reach the highest potential of your store, so update it today; if you are not a tech-savvy person or are stuck with Magento upgradation at any phase, then let us know. Rock Technolabs (Magento 2 upgrade service providers) have experience of 1 decade with Magento and know its pitfalls and bottlenecks, that’s why we are professional experts in Strategizing and implementing with 100s of successful results.

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